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Price Drop: 『ワンピース』に学ぶ仕事術 (Books)


『ワンピース』に学ぶ仕事術 1.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Books
Price: $5.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


【数量限定】電子書籍アプリ特別セール!!5,000名様だけに92.6%オフ書籍定価1,365円がアプリ特価100円『ONE PIECE』ファンはなぜ仕事がデキルのか?「どうすれば仕事が上手くいくか」と言う表面的なではなく根源から仕事への熱望や生きる事の喜び等を膨らむ作品です。ビジネスマンとして持つ「夢」や「野望」を叶える為に素敵な「仲間」との人間関係の構築方法から「リーダー」になるべき人に必要な資質まで大切な多くの事は全て『ONE PIECE』が教えてくれる!『ONE PIECE』が大好きな学生や日夜働く社会人も楽しめる新感覚のビジネス書籍がスマホで遂に登場!あの超人気漫画が教える隠された人生に役立つ方程式とは…目次■序詩 少年 はじめに■第1章 野望の方程式・野望を持つなら覚悟を決めろ・夢実現のためには信頼できる仲間を探せ・どんな小心者でも大胆になれる・夢見るものの目は真実を射抜く・堕ちた偶像とは訣別することが大切・結果が見えないからこそ頑張れる→他2項目■第2章 仲間の方程式・助けられる事は助ける以上に勇敢な行為である・後輩のためにどれだけ犠牲を払えるか・「気高い心」の持ち主を仲間に入れろ・大事なものには魂が宿っている・深い付き合いをすれば敵方でも「仲間」だ→他5項目■第3章 リーダーの方程式・甘すぎる人間はリーダー失格である・冒険心を持つリーダーだけが信頼するに足りる・リーダーは決してぶれてはならない・周囲がカリスマを作り上げる・仲間(部下)の責任はリーダーが全部かぶる→他4項目■第4章 仕事術の方程式・思っている以上に周囲は認めてくれているもの・劣等感は人生最大の機動力である・何が自分に大事なのか?優先順位をつけて生きろ・知ることと使いこなすことは天と地の差・自分の仕事を疑うこともせよ→他4項目■第5章 誠意の方程式・技術がなければやさしさに形を与えられない・信頼する人の言葉はまず全て受け取るそれから理由をじっくり考えてみる・本当の大物はいつも優しい・素直に謝る人に会うと何だかこっちが恥ずかしくなる→他3項目著者紹介平居 謙[ヒライ ケン]1961年生まれ。詩人。平安女学院大学国際観光学部准教授。その他の漫画関連書籍『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎の秘密』(1994年・2006年データハウス刊 恐山妖怪研究所)本書は書籍「『ワンピース』に学ぶ仕事術」の内容を一部抜粋したスマートフォンアプリ版です。

What's New



Price Drop: AirDisk Pro - Wireless Flash Drive (Productivity)


AirDisk Pro - Wireless Flash Drive 2.0.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: $1.99 -> $.99, Version: 2.0.0 (iTunes)


--------------------------------------------ON SALE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY!GRAB NOW BEFORE THE PRICE GOES UP! --------------------------------------------AirDisk Pro allows you to store, view and manage files on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. You can connect to AirDisk Pro from any Mac or PC over the Wi-Fi network and transfer files by drag & drop files straight from the Finder or Windows Explorer. AirDisk Pro features document viewer, PDF reader, music player, image viewer, voice recorder, text editor, file manager and support most of the file operations: like delete, move, copy, email, share, zip, unzip and more. -- KEY FEATURES --- DOCUMENT READER: Support MS Office, iWork, Text & HTML- MULTIMEDIA PLAYER: An ability to in app create your own audio playlist with repeat, shuffle, background playback and remote control from multitask. - HTTP/FTP PASSWORD PROTECTED: Files transfer between PC/Mac with password protected. - FILE OPERATION: Move, Copy, Rename, Delete, Zip, Unzip, UnRAR, Create File and Folder. - FILE SHARING: File sharing with other iPhone/iPad devices via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection with automatic search of nearest available devices around you. - EASY FILE UPLOAD: Drag and drop files upload via your PC/Mac web browser or USB via iTunes File Sharing. - TEXT EDITOR: Built-in text editor that allows you to edit your text files or source codes on your iOS device. - IMPORT/ FILES CREATION: An ability to create text files, image captures, video records, voice recordings and import pictures from photo library. - PASSCODE LOCK: An ability to protect your files from viewing by others. - UNIVERSALITY: This app is developed for both iPhone and iPad, you need to purchase only once. -- AUDIO PLAYER --- Able to in app create audio playlist. - Plays all MP3 files from a folder as a playlist. - Repeats and shuffles songs. - Supports background audio playback. - Supports Audio Remote Control from multitask. -- VIEWABLE FORMATS --- Audio (WAV, MP3, M4A, CAF, AIF, AIFF, AAC) 
- Images (JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, TIFF, ICO) - Movies (MP4, MOV, MPV, M4V) - iWorks (Pages, numbers, and Keynote) 
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) - RTF (Rich Text Format) - RTFD (TextEdit with embedded images) - PDF Documents - Plain text - Source code
 - HTML web pages - Web archivesPlease visit to our website for video demohttp://www.app2pro.com

What's New

- iOS 6.0 compatibility

AirDisk Pro - Wireless Flash Drive

Price Drop: 成功をもたらす、マーフィーの51の言葉 (Books)


成功をもたらす、マーフィーの51の言葉 1.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Books
Price: $5.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


期間限定値下げにつき100円 定価1,400円の92.8%オフ!マーフィーの法則はビジネスマンから主婦や学生まで多くの人にとって非常に為になる人生の指針となる教えを謳っています。また、願望充足や成功哲学を謳っているように思われるかもしれませんが実は非常に安らかで癒される言葉が沢山あります。本書はマーフィーの教えから自らの手で誰もが幸運を掴むことができる術を51の言葉として紹介・解説しています。"不可能"を"可能"にし、"偶然"を"必然"にさせ、あたなの日常を好転させる思考術を伝授します。仕事やプライベートはもちろんですが"自分"に迷いを感じた際に是非読んでいただきたい一冊です。こんな方はお試しください。・目標を見失いそうな方・最近、幸せが足りていないと感じている方・なりたい自分になれていない方・いきいきした生活を送りたい方・ネガティブ思考な方●成功をもたらす、マーフィーの51の言葉●はじめに●PART1 成功イメージをつねに大切にしていこう・イメージ戦術は成功者たちが必ず通る道・言葉の持つ不思議な力を信じてみよう・気分転換の大事さを知れば、自分の思いを遂げられる・自分に対して奇跡を呼び込むパフォーマンス→他3項●PART2 自分の不思議な力を信じよう・一見偶然のようで偶然ではない運の良し悪し・自分には無限の能力と可能性があると信じていく・成功のための大原則を知ろう・成功者には、それにふさわしい行動パターンと習慣がある・潜在意識を信じることが成功への道→他3項●PART3 運命を変えていくことを習慣づけていこう・人生の紆余曲折は、人生への先行投資・口に出して言うことによって、自分の行動に習慣づける・信じることが最高の結果をもたらしてくれる・自分で自分を励ましてみよう・思いの強さが、自分自身の現状を変えていく・小さな成功の積み重ねが、やがて大きな成功を呼ぶ・過去の自分を払拭しながら、体験を生かす→他3項●PART4 困難を乗り越えるのは逆転の力・成功への道しるべはアイデアを持つこと・感謝する気持ちは成功への近道・成功者たちが体感している「振り子の原理」→他3項●PART5 最初は偶然だったことがいつかは必然になる・自分自身の頭の中に、「成功」のキーワードは存在する・生活を前向きに習慣づけていくことが成功を導く・苦しいところをどのように堪えていくか、それが正念場だ・成功者たちに見る「心の態度」を参考にしてみよう→他3項●PART6 心をリッチにして運を呼ぶのも自分自身・ツキを失っていく本当の理由とは何だったのか・せっかくの努力が無駄になるのか花を咲かせるのかの微妙な差・理屈だけでは語りつくせない「ヒラメキ」の素晴らしさ→他3項●PART7 信じることによって不可能を可能に転換していく・褒められることによって潜在意識を刺激する・あらゆる成功は、現在の苦悩があるからこそ呼び起こせる・途中で挫折してしまわないように、心に余裕を持とう・「失敗を恐れる」あなたの気持ちが成果を鈍らせてしまう→他3項●あとがき ≪著者≫ 江藤 蓮(えとう れん)


Price Drop: Math Heroes 1 - Basic Operations (Education)


Math Heroes 1 - Basic Operations 2.0.3

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $2.99 -> $.99, Version: 2.0.3 (iTunes)


Math Heroes 1 - Basic Operations, is a challenging game that teaches kids about math and arithmetic.The game’s mission is to train your Ninja Yogotar solving math problems. Kids have to solve basic operations to defeat the Ignarous Army.Why Play this Game?This fun and educational game help children in elementary school ages to practice arithmetic problems. Kids will have fun and enjoy unlocking amazing super powers.Math Dojo is perfect for beginners and experts in mathematics. Download the full version and enjoy of 100 levels of difficulty.Features:• 4 Basic Operations• 5 Mini games• 100 Amazing levels• Cool battles and amazing powers• Game and tutorials in English and Spanish includedThe best Math Game for kidsYogome are fun iOs Educational Games for 21st Century Kids. Joining the Yogome Squad kids can practice Math, learn Languages, know about the Environment, Nutrition and other life skills in a fun way that they wouldn't even notice they are learning.

What's New

- Several bugs fixed- Enjoy the Ninja-Yogome-fun!Please report any problem to manolo@yogome.com

Math Heroes 1 - Basic Operations

Price Drop: My Media Center (Entertainment)


My Media Center 1.3.3

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Entertainment
Price: $4.99 -> $1.99, Version: 1.3.3 (iTunes)


If you love Windows Media Center you’ll REALLY love My Media Center (formerly Ceton Companion). Manage and control your Media Center experience from your iPod, iPhone or iPad, whether you’re inside or outside the house.Requires My Media Center Services (free!) on your Windows 7 or 8 Media Center PC. Please visit http://www.CetonCorp.com/mymediacenterTop Features:•Easy ManagementSimply swipe to delete scheduled recordings, recorded TV, series recordings and more!•TV and Movie GalleryForget hopping around from the TV section to the movie section to your recorded shows. My Media Center lets you see an integrated view of all your shows and movies in one place.•Manage and Schedule DVR RecordingsAt work and forgot to record that show tonight? See a season premiere promo that you want to record but you’re away from home on a trip? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.•Universal SearchIt’s TV search the way it should be. You probably don’t care whether your favorite show or movie is on one channel or another, in your personal library or airing later this week. We’ll help you easily find what you’re looking wherever it’s playing. •Play To any TV SetBrowse your TV and movie libraries, select the show you want to watch, and choose the device on which you want to watch. You don’t even have to be in the same room.•Your Mobile is the RemoteMy Media Center includes full remote control capabilities for both your media center PC and any Ceton Echo extenders you have. Play, pause, fast forward, rewind, channel, volume … it’s all there in one pretty slick touchscreen view.***Optimized for iPhone & iPod, compatible with iPad***My Media Center – the ultimate Windows Media Center AppPress Reviews:- "Pretty cool!" "Simple setup." "A full blown remote control that’s perfect for media center" "This is 5 bucks you should spend!" - HD Nation"Ceton Companion is without question a must-have app" – PC World"[Ceton Companion] greatly improves the Windows Media Center experience." – PC World"For Windows Media Center fans searching for a good looking remote app for their mobile devices, that wait is over" - EngadgetFull Feature List:• Universal search across all of your content• Manage Recorded TV• Start Playback of Recorded TV on HTPC or Extender• Manage Scheduled Recordings• Manage Series Recordings• Browse Program Grid Guide• Tune channel on HTPC or Extender• Use On Screen Remote Control to control HTPC or Extender• Automatically generate local movie metadata & cover art• Browser recorded & local movies in a beautiful gallery• Start playback of movies on HTPC or Extender• Browse list of movies on television tonight with cover art• Easily browse upcoming Premieres in one nice list• Browse recent activity on your HTPC• Much MoreIf you have any issue please contact us on our official forums: http://www.thegreenbutton.tv/forums/viewforum.php?f=63*My Media Center does NOT stream recorded or live TV to your iOS device. The My Media Center does allow you to start playback on any HTPC/Extender, schedule recordings, manage recordings, etc.For more information see the official website: http://www.cetoncorp.com/mymediacenter or follow us on twitter http://www.twitter.com/CetonMyMC

What's New

Bug Fixes

My Media Center

Price Drop: B&E: Water (Books)


B&E: Water 1.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Books
Price: $2.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


Dive in and splash about with B & E Water, a beautiful children’s storybook application. Enjoy this entirely original story with hand-drawn animation to enhance any child’s (be they young or old) reading experience. There are two unique ways to access the story, you can read the story by yourself (with tappable words in case you get stuck) or you can have the story read to you with the words highlighted as they are read. For animation lovers you can also watch the three animations separately.Special features:-- Works on all Apple iOS devices.-- Words are spoken and highlighted when tapped. (See if you can find all the hidden sound effects!).-- Professional narration.-- Original hand-drawn animation with professionally composed background audio and sound effects.Stay up to date about the launch of more B&E apps.Find us on the web: http://www.bnemedia.com/Follow us on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bnemediaLike us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bnemedia.appsFor support, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our website: http://www.bnemedia.com/ or via email: support@bnemedia.com

What's New

Fixed iOS6 'Read to Me' bugs

B&E: Water

Price Drop: Lock App (Utilities)


Lock App 1.01

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Utilities
Price: $24.99 -> $19.99, Version: 1.01 (iTunes)


Lock App enables you to lock/unlock your mac remotely using your phone.Please download and run this on your Mac after you install the iOS app:http://jog-a-lot.com/LockApp.dmgDemo video:http://youtu.be/YDG8Bt_iNkYFollow the instructions in the video to set up your Mac with your iOS device.

What's New

Add Twitter Follow Buton

Lock App

Price Drop: 人体解剖图谱 (Medical)


人体解剖图谱 1.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Medical
Price: $1.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)



What's New



Price Drop: Lock App BT (Utilities)


Lock App BT 1.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Utilities
Price: $24.99 -> $19.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Lock App enables you to lock/unlock your mac remotely using your phone automatically. Now you don't have to do anything just approach your Mac with your iPhone in your pocket to unlock your Mac. And walk away to lock it up. All this is possible without the need to open any app on either your phone or Mac.Please download and run this on your Mac after you install the iOS app: http://jog-a-lot.com/LockAppBT.dmg Demo video: http://youtu.be/YDG8Bt_iNkY Follow the instructions in the video to set up your Mac with your iOS device.

Lock App BT

Price Drop: Masters of Mystery: Blood of Betrayal HD (Full) (Games)


Masters of Mystery: Blood of Betrayal HD (Full) 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only
Category: Games
Price: $4.99 -> $1.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


WINNER OF THE BRONZE AWARD FROM POCKETGAMER! Solve a riveting new case in this challenging hidden object sequel to Masters of Mystery: Crime of Fashion. Join Detective Carrie Chase while she investigates a troubling double homicide in an exclusive penthouse. Track clues from one location to another, uncover the leads using your forensic tools and search for evidence that will help you nab a killer. Be ready to experience deception and betrayal in this titillating series of games! ● 40 Realistic locations in 3 gripping chapters ● 10 Unique mini-games ● 4 Extraordinary tools ● 2 Game modes: timed and relaxed ● Game Center Support ● New iPad Retina Display Support ____________________________ Sign up now for a weekly round-up of the best from G5 Games! www.g5e.com/e-mail ____________________________ *** G5 Games - New game apps every week ! *** Collect them all! Search for "g5" in iTunes! Adventure: ▶ Games Navigator – By G5 Games ▶ Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart, Collector’s Edition HD ▶ Whisper of Fear: The Cursed Doll HD ▶ Lost Souls: Enchanted Paintings HD ▶ Special Enquiry Detail: The Hand that Feeds HD Strategy: ▶ Virtual City Playground HD ▶ Doomsday Preppers™ HD ▶ Build-a-lot 3: Passport to Europe HD ▶ The Island: Castaway HD ▶ Supermarket Mania 2 HD ____________________________ VISIT US: www.g5e.com WATCH US: www.youtube.com/g5enter FIND US: www.facebook.com/g5games FOLLOW US: www.twitter.com/g5games

Masters of Mystery: Blood of Betrayal HD (Full)

Price Drop: F.創聖のアクエリオンIII (Games)


F.創聖のアクエリオンIII 1.0.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: $16.99 -> $7.99, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)


■アプリ紹介人気アニメ「創聖のアクエリオン」のパチンコシリーズ第三弾、CRフィーバー創聖のアクエリオンIII。ホールでも人気のパチンコ機が実機シミュレーションアプリとして登場!実機の目玉である創聖決闘はもちろん、新しく生まれ変わった超合体や、コアなファンも納得のプレミア演出までしっかり搭載!実機さながらの迫力を今すぐ体感しよう!■ご注意・本アプリは演出を読み込む際、若干のウェイトが入る事があります。・ダウンロードされる際は端末内に「2GB」以上の空き容量がある事をご確認ください。・アプリ内で表示される値はあくまでシミュレート上の値となり、実機とは異なる場合がございます。・ダウンロードには時間がかかりますので、残電池にご注意ください。・端末のスペックによっては動作が重くなる場合があります。・アプリをプレイされる際は、タスクメニューより他タスクを全て終了した上でプレイをお願い致します。検索用 サンキョウ SANKYO

What's New



Price Drop: Ezy Graph (Education)


Ezy Graph 1.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $1.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Ezy Graph is a powerful, user friendly graphing tool. Ezy Graph is the kind of tool you would love to have whether you are passionate about mathematics, or struggling with it.CORE FEATURES✓ Accurate display of mathematical notations✓ Intuitive keyboard. No learning curve.✓ Supports most functions commonly used in graphing✓ Advanced graph analysis, e.g. domain, zeros, min/max/inflexion points✓ Multiple graphs✓ Graph customising with colours and line styles✓ Find exact coordinates with trace modeADDITIONAL FEATURES✓ Sharing, saving and printing graphs✓ Polished, creative user interface✓ Full support for iPad and Retina display✓ Portrait & landscape mode for iPad.✓ Auto-save graphsNOTES+ Tap & Hold to trigger tracing mode.

Ezy Graph

Price Drop: Dinos Sleep (Education)


Dinos Sleep 1.0.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $3.99 -> $2.99, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


Dinos Sleep – An interactive book for your child's bedtime ritual. WARNING : Works only on iPhone 4S or higher and iPad 2 or higher!A child's bedtime ritual is essential for a good night's sleep. Dinos Sleep has been created to reassure and appease your child (1- to 4-year-old) before it falls asleep.A gentle and harmonic voyage in a 3D universe awaits your child, helping it to find calm and peacefulness before bedtime. In the wondrous land of the Dinos Sleep it is getting late…and the baby Dinos haven't gone to bed yet.To speed them on their way to dreamland, you will need to turn off the lights in their houses…And once the baby Dinos are fast asleep, it will be time to go to sleep yourself!!!MAIN FEATURES:• A fully-3D environment and characters.• 7 interactive Dinos Dodo (Kwiki, Iko & Lali, Yuna, Liloo & Naya, Toky).• Texts voiced by professional actors.• A gentle musical backdrop.• Languages: English, FrenchDinos Sleep contains no advertising or in app purchases.

Dinos Sleep

Price Drop: SAP SD Certification and Interview Test Preparation - 400 Questions, Answers and Explanation, TSCM (Education)


SAP SD Certification and Interview Test Preparation - 400 Questions, Answers and Explanation, TSCM 1.02

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $4.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.02 (iTunes)


***The best iPhone app for preparation to pass the SAP SD Certification and Interview***Being a SAP certified professional guarantee a better future and success for you. Our SAP certification preparation exams would prove themselves to be the most helpful step in the direction of that SAP goal.Improve your knowledge of the SAP SD module and prepare for certification or interviews."SAP SD Certification Exam and Interview Test Preparation: 400 Questions, Answers and Explanation" is an effective test of SAP Sales and Distribution knowledge, helps beginners and professionals to prepare themselves for certification exams, interview. It was compiled by experienced professionals SAP SD and organized in a flexible interfaceDESCRIPTION:The questions are constantly supplemented. Now it already consists of more than 400 questions/answers, which are made by professionals in SAP SD area, who have experience of many years with:- certifications and interview;- support and implementation;- preparing materials for most quickly effective learningThis App has a user friendly interface, which allows you to:- analyze the results of each answer;- focus attention on problem points;- use the history of previous attempts during your re-testing or to run testing only for a your wrong answers;- keep track of time;- send to us your feedback, if you do not agree with the correct answerThis App will help consultants and trainees effectively to orient and quickly to prepare themselves to pass:- SD Certification Exams;- Interview, which will give a better job in SAP;- Testskill levelThis App will help project managers to get a good view of SAP SD, to use it to address key issues.This App is a starting point for everyone who works to improve the quality and level of their knowledge in the field of functional and business processes.Also, we have developed applications for SAP modules: MM, BO, BI-BW, FI, FA-AA, HANA, HR, IS-Retail. They are available via option «More SAP Certification Apps» in this App.KEY FEATURES:- Many years of professional experience consultants SAP SD;- Over 400 questions and answers to prepare for the certification and interview;- Simple and user friendly interface;- Base of questions are constantly supplemented;- A unique mode for analysis and corrections of mistakes;- Option to write a comment to answers and questions;- Support version for iPadIN FUTURE:We are not going to stop in the immediate plans to expand the base of issues and levels of complexity. Your comments will help us to make a better product for you. Please contact us and we will consider all your remarks in future versions sappaganel@gmail.comIn next release:- More questions;- Explanation for all questions;- The various areas of competency;- Integration with Facebook;- Educational Materials;- release of applications for modules: CO, SOL, WMTrademarks:SAP, ABAP, SAP NetWeaver, SAP ERP and other SAP products and services mentioned here are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.Disclaimer:This application is intended for checking your abilities and level of your knowledge only. This questions are not guaranteed to be asked in the SAP exams, but they could also be helpful in evaluating your progress and preparation towards the real examination.

What's New

We have changed icon to a more beautiful one. We have added : - 105 questions & answers; - iPad support; - option for entering comment for answers and questions;

SAP SD Certification and Interview Test Preparation - 400 Questions, Answers and Explanation, TSCM

Price Drop: Pocket Informant Pro (Productivity)


Pocket Informant Pro 3.11

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: $12.99 -> $8.99, Version: 3.11 (iTunes)


On sale Monday, September 2 - Wednesday, September 5! -- GET ORGANIZED: YOUR CALENDAR, TO DO LIST, AND NOTES ALL IN ONE AWARD WINNING DAY PLANNER -- Pocket Informant is fast, friendly, and powerful. Put your tasks and notes on your calendar! Sync with Evernote and Google. Plan your day with a simple task list or use more advanced GTD-style methods. Create tasks and appointments by simply typing “Meet with Joe for Lunch tomorrow at Flemings” and then get a map of where you have to go! See everything that is going on today - including the weather!“Anyone looking for an iOS app to help them manage their daily lives needs to check out Pocket Informant from WebIS. Seriously good.”“Thanks, WebIS! This is an amazing product that continues to get better. And I’ve tried them all”“PI is an great app for productivity. It is the reason I bought an iPad. I traded in my DayRunner and other tools, because PI covers them all.”WORKS WITH EVERNOTE Put your Evernote Reminders where they belong - on your calendar! And, of course, Pocket Informant supports the features you love about Evernote:• Rich Text Notes• Lists• Styles• Fonts• Tables• Stacks• PDFs• Word documents• Images• AttachmentsTASKS: YOUR TO DO LIST DONE YOUR WAY• Type (or speak*) naturally to create new tasks! Enter phrases like “Take out garbage every Friday at 8am”. Pocket Informant will understand and create your task accordingly! • Checklists - create checklists for your tasks that contain lists of items (groceries, packing, etc.) • Location Alerts - receive an alert when near a location for a specific task, or assign a location to a "context" to receive alerts for groups of tasks! • Filtering - create your own custom Smart Filters, or use the built-in ones to optimize your task management.• Templates - create templates that automatically pre-populate new tasks - you can even create templates that have subtasks!• Task Modes - choose from Simple, Standard (GTD), or Franklin Covey to manage your tasks in your own way!CALENDAR: YOUR PAPER CALENDAR IS OFFICIALLY OBSOLETE• Type (or speak*) naturally to create new appointments! Simply enter phrases like “Coffee with Mom Tuesday at 8am”.• Multiple calendar views - Toggle between Month, Week, Day and List view.• Repeating appointments - Complex custom repeating options on your iPhone or iPad - finally! Create an appointment with a repeat pattern like "The 4th Tuesday of Every Month".• Location Maps - tap a button and show today’s events mapped out for you. Tap on the event and get directions (works with Google Maps, iOS maps and Navigon)WEATHER Planning a day out on the beach? Check the forecast on your calendar! Requires in-app purchase. Free trial included.SEARCH IT ALLCan't find what you're looking for? Let Pocket Informant search your events, tasks, notes and contacts all at once!PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS Choose from several different options to sync your Events, Tasks and Notes! • Pocket Informant Online - Our own sync service designed to harness the full power of Pocket Informant! Available as an in-app subscription.• Google Calendar• Google Tasks• Toodledo• Evernote• Access iOS Events and Reminders directlyCUSTOMIZABLE and COLORFULSeveral built-in themes - find one that fits your style! Use different colors, icons, tags, and much more to customize Pocket Informant just the way you like.SO MUCH MORE!It’s impossible to list every feature of Pocket Informant in this description. Check out our website for more information!If you have any questions, please visit the links below or ask by sending an email to press@webis.netRead more about Pocket Informant Online, our complete sync solution: http://webis.net/wp/pocket-informant-online/Check our Twitter Page: http://twitter.com/webis_mobile*Speech recognition requires iPhone 4S or later, 5th gen iPod Touch or 3rd gen iPad or laterGTD and Getting Things Done are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company

What's New

We have been having a great time getting Pocket Informant ready for iOS 7. But, in the meantime, we have also been working on a bunch of other really exciting stuff as well - we hope you enjoy it! For 3.11:• Resolved some issues with the Rich Text Editor• Resolved an issue with playing voice notes• Resolved an issue with line heights in Calendar List View• Sync errors now show the account name in the title of the error• Resolved several edge-case Evernote sync errors• Resolved an issue with Task/Event notes not always saving in the proper format• Resolved a few other support-based issuesFor 3.1:• NEW: Full support for Evernote Reminders! Put your Evernote Reminders where they belong - on your calendar! • NEW: You can now "pin" any note to a specific date so they appear on your calendar • NEW: Support for Evernote "linked notebooks" • NEW: Weather forecast now includes weather alert information (requires the weather in-app purchase) • NEW: Free trial of our weather in-app purchase. Find out why thousands of others are already enjoying this new feature! • There are a TON of improvements to our Rich Text Editor: it is now much more responsive, we have new formatting options, resolved issues with lists, added support for Evernote tables and much more! • Resolved issue on iPad when using the iOS Editor for events • Resolved issue when opening an "old" database format from an email • Several interface, stability and performance improvements throughout the app

Pocket Informant Pro

Price Drop: Prompts (Productivity)


Prompts 1.1.3

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: $3.99 -> $1.99, Version: 1.1.3 (iTunes)


"Getting stuck with writer's block is a huge pain. Prompts provides helpful inspiration." - MashableQuickly becoming the favorite writing app of writers and students everywhere. An iTunes best-selling Productivity and New and Noteworthy app!Download it today and get more than 1,000 starting lines and writing prompts to help you start writing and keep going.Prompts is full of original creative writing prompts to ensure you never have a dull moment of writing. Feeling stuck? Press the lightning bolt at any time and you'll be presented with a prompt to keep moving.Even if you don't know where to start writing, just open the app and press the plus button to get a random and totally unique starting line. Now there's no excuse to not write! Plus: share your writing by email, Twitter, Facebook, Evernote, or Day One, or sync automatically with Dropbox to save your writing in the cloud.Write full screen and swipe down to pull up the menu. Set daily reminders to keep your writing habits healthy, bookmark the projects you're working on, and even monitor your writing stats to see which days and times you're at your best."Prompts is beautifully designed and elegantly simple, so you can focus on writing every day, easily."Features:• Prompts gets you writing, even when you don't know where to start or if you feel stuck• Access to more than 1,000 unique starting lines and creative prompts• Adjustable font size• Write in either landscape or portrait view, on your iPhone or iPad• Share your writing by email, Twitter, or Facebook, or export to Evernote or Day One• View writing stats like most active time of day and which day you write the most• Set daily writing reminders to keep yourself motivated• Sync with Dropbox to automatically backup your latest writing to the cloud!Whether you want to write more just for fun or if you write for a profession, you are going to love how Prompts helps you write.Prompts is perfect for writers, bloggers, journalists, educators and students (college or kids), copywriters, marketers, or anyone who just likes to write.From the creator of the best selling Lifestyle creativity app "oflow," Prompts is going to change the way you write forever.When you open Prompts and press the + button, you'll see a unique starting line from a collection of hundreds. Use the presented starting line or write from scratch. Flip through starting lines at the touch of a button or by shaking your phone. From there, if you ever feel stuck while writing, just press the lightening bolt icon to be presented with one of hundreds of unique writing prompts. They're like oblique strategies to keep you writing, no matter what type of writing you're doing.So what are you waiting for? Download the app and get writing right now.

What's New

• Fixed an error that would allow you to close a new entry without asking if you wanted to save first• Fixed an error that wasn't allowing some users to send notes to Evernote


Price Drop: Color Dots - Infant Baby Game. Teaches babies eye hand coordination, color recognition and fine motor skills. Improves finger dexterity, mental stimulus and response time in Infants. Bright colorful bubbles toy app and fun silly popping sounds. (Education)


Color Dots - Infant Baby Game. Teaches babies eye hand coordination, color recognition and fine motor skills. Improves finger dexterity, mental stimulus and response time in Infants. Bright colorful bubbles toy app and fun silly popping sounds. 3.6.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $2.99 -> $.99, Version: 3.6.1 (iTunes)


Color Dots is a colorful visual tracking game that will hold a child’s attention. A simple game that improves finger dexterity, mental stimulus and response time in young children. An educational intuitive game that puts fun first."My 10 month daughter loves this game. Great for building coordination. Best of all, no annoying menu button or ads for her to accidentally hit."- TK187"Push a bubble and make it pop! No on screen ads, no on screen 'buy me' buttons that babies can accidentally press. It's nice and simple"- Canvai FEATURES:● Crisp Animations● Vibrant, Visually Stimulating Colors● Popping Sounds● Pop Vibration (iPhone)● iPad and Retina Display Support● No ADS or on screen buttons! Perfect for infants! SETTINGS:● Remove Dot Border● Change Dot Size● Change Dot Speed● Set Max Levels● Remove Dot Sound● Enable Dot Vibration (iPhone)● Write a reviewHOW TO PLAY:Color Dots starts out with a colorful bouncing dot. When you pop the first dot, two dots show up to replace it. After popping those two, three dots show up and so on.ABOUT:Ellie's Games combines vivid colors and simple game functions to help your child grow while having fun. I focus on bright, vivid color based games that help expand a child's growing mind. Simple themes and a user friendly interface make all of Ellie's Games simple and fun for children of all ages.Have a question for Ellie's Games? Send it to me at Erik@ElliesGames.comCheck out Ellie's other games:- Matching- Dot Connector- Math Duel- Alphabet Dots- Counting Dots- Rain Dots- Color SquaresFollow us on Twitter:@ElliesGamesLike us on Facebook:facebook.com/ElliesGames

What's New

- Fixed settings bugs (Thanks for reporting Samantha!)

Color Dots - Infant Baby Game. Teaches babies eye hand coordination, color recognition and fine motor skills. Improves finger dexterity, mental stimulus and response time in Infants. Bright colorful bubbles toy app and fun silly popping sounds.

Price Drop: Piano * (Music)


Piano * 1.4.2

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Music
Price: $1.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.4.2 (iTunes)


Special Sale Price!Now all 100+ songs unlocked!Thanks for making us the number one music app in dozens of countries!! Featured in Apple's New and Noteworthy, Staff Favorites, and What's Hot sections. Our piano players say: "This is the best piano app I have found... does exactly what it says." "I love this game it basically teaches you how to play songs on the piano which is amazing now I can go to my music class and show off my piano skills ;)" "I just downloaded and I can't stop playing. It has very nice features on it and the sound quality is great. Thanks!" "This app is awesome! I love it and I'm actually learning how to play it :)." "like many other comments this app is worth the $" Play as the notes fall... or as sheet music!! This is the only app that let's you learn the melodies with the fingers you would use on a real piano. Want to learn how to play a song and exercise your fingers in a way that prepare you to play the piano? Play the song in-app or use while you play a piano! Over 35 songs included!! Classical Songs: Alouette, Bach's Minuet, Carmen by Bizet, Dance by Kabalevsky, Have Nagila, Largo by Dvorak, March of the Toreadors by Bizet, O Sole Mio by Capua, Scarborough Fair, Spring by Vivaldi, Tcaikscosky's 1812 Overture, Tcaikscosky's Trepak Kids Songs: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary had a Little Lamb, Beriozka, Banana Boat Song, Rockabye Baby, Coulter's, Danny, Go Tell Aunt Rhodie, La Cucaracha, Lil' Liza Jane, London Bridge, Pop Goes the Weasel, Skip to My Lou Christian Songs: All Creatures, Away in the Manger, Be Thou My Vision, He's got the Whole World, Jingle Bells, Kumbaya, Michael Row Your Boat Ashore, O' Come All Ye Faithful, Silent Night, When the Saints Go Marching In Review from AppAdvice.com- "You could spend hours practicing songs, honing your skills and becoming an expert on each tune" Half of our proceeds go towards fighting hunger through Compassion International. Compassion International is a program that allows people to provide food, shelter, education, medical care to children suffering from poverty.Over $40,000 donated to Compassion last year alone.Thanks to all the fans for making this a number one app in dozens of countries!!

What's New

Updated leaderboards

Piano *

Price Drop: Katak - Addictive Multiplayer Duel With Frogs Eating Bugs (Games)


Katak - Addictive Multiplayer Duel With Frogs Eating Bugs 1.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: $2.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Slurp... Crunch... Squelch... Yum, these bugs are delicious! But... What?! Another frog is trying to eat my lunch! Be hungry you little frog, let the battle begin!With this addictive two players game, go for a walk in the nature and live epic fightings. Tap the screen to catch the bugs. Avoid the toxic butterflies, rush yourself on the juicy beetles!Earn as many points as you can before the end of the round. Defy and defeat your opponent to rule the swamp!Ribbit... Ribbit... Ribbit... Ribbit...Features:- Simple controls making it fun for all ages- Intense and skillfull gameplay- 2 players game- Single player mode : versus AI- Universal app- 3 stages to experiment different strategies- Immersive HD design - Retina Display - 3 difficulty levels of AI- Highscores recordsDemo:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6yLnnddiSs

Katak - Addictive Multiplayer Duel With Frogs Eating Bugs

Price Drop: Dragons Leap - The Battle for Middle Earth (Sports)


Dragons Leap - The Battle for Middle Earth 1.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Sports
Price: $2.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Be ready to Leap, Fly, Tap and Bounce your way through the Royal Realms with your very own Dragon. The Evil Warlock and Wicked Witch have hidden all the magic coins and you must help the Dragon fly to recover them all on his amazing journey through the different realms! Introducing Norbert, our reluctant Hero who has been given the task to bring balance back to the Kingdom. Travel with him through the magical realms collecting all the treasures and coins along the way. Jump crazy spinning wheels, fire from cannons and find the magic turbo boosters that will help speed him on his way. Use your skills to guide the Dragon Norbert and help him complete each stage and win him all the 10 available achievements! Game Features: - One (or two)Tap addictive game play - 25 unique fun filled levels - Travel through 5 spectacularly Magic Realms - An Endless Run Mode. How far through the Kingdom can you go? - Turbo Boosters,Cannons,Coins,and Treasure Chests to help you on your quest - Game Center Achievements & Leaderboard Find Us Online;Facebook: Facebook.com/ZonitGamesTwitter: @ZonitGamesWeb: www.ZonitGames.com

Dragons Leap - The Battle for Middle Earth

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